Start with ONE exercise… and build from there

As a coach, the most popular excuse that I hear for not doing a workout is some version of “I didn’t have time.”

It can sound like:

  • “Too busy.”
  • “Crazy day at the office!”
  • “The kids were out of control… couldn’t get them to sleep.”
  • “The in-laws popped in for an unexpected visit.”
  • “My alarm didn’t go off!”
  • “Traffic.”
  • “Kids had soccer, baseball, gymnastics, ballet, hockey,…”

We all make excuses for not having time to fit in a workout.  I’ve done it too.

And I think part of the reason we do this is because we believe that exercise has to take up a BIG CHUNK of time.

Continue reading “Start with ONE exercise… and build from there”

Are you ENOUGH?

I don’t know about you, but I seem to, all-too-frequently, get pulled into that black hole of feeling that I’m not DOING enough.

You know… Not spending enough time with my kids and family; not getting enough done at work or having enough success in my business; not doing enough around the house; not working out enough; not meditating enough; not seeing friends enough; not doing the things I REALLY want to do enough, like travel; not accomplishing enough in my life…

Or worse, I get stuck into the rut of that stinkin’ thinkin’I’M not ______ (fill in the blank) enough.” ( The list is long, so I’ll spare you the details.)

The thing is, my NOT-ENOUGHs can drain me, because there’s just no end to them!

There’s always more I could be doing, and the list just keeps growing.

But where is this coming from?  And how do I STOP these NOT-ENOUGHs from dragging me down?

Continue reading “Are you ENOUGH?”

So your teen wants to go vegetarian? Here are 4 ways you can guide them…

If you’re the parent of a teen, it’s likely that food and/or nutrition have been issues at some point.

The need for your teen to assert themselves as individuals, mixed with food aversions, as well as an increased awareness of where their food comes from, how it got to the table, and what effect it has on their bodies…

Well, all that can make for, at the very least, colorful conversations, or at worst, ugly confrontations at the dinner table.

Continue reading “So your teen wants to go vegetarian? Here are 4 ways you can guide them…”