The 3 Keys to Finding Your Fit After 40: Mind, Body, Food

Hey there!

I want to know… What does being FIT mean to you?

As I get older (I’m now in my mid-forties), being fit has gone way beyond just about looking good in a pair of jeans.

FIT has taken on a much bigger, more important meaning.

As I move forward in life, I want to not only be physically fit, but I also want to be mentally fit, spiritually fit, and fit in terms of my relationships as well.

This means I want to stay active, avoid disease, be mentally sharp and focused, enjoy down time for yoga and meditation, travel, be present with the loves of my life, and just feel good in my own skin.

I want to keep enjoying these aspects of my life for decades to come.

Now, what about you?

If you’re like me you probably want these things too… I think most of us do.

But most of us aren’t taking the steps to get there.

So many women in their 40s and beyond aren’t aging well.

A significant number of women are living with chronic pain, and many more are carrying too much fat and too little lean muscle, and then even more are just plain run-down and exhausted from the busy-ness of every day life.

Unfortunately pain, fat, and fatigue tend to accelerate us in the direction of inactivity, feelings of low self-worth, poor nutrition, and ultimately disease.

Something’s gotta change.

And that’s why I changed careers, and became a health coach

Five years ago I left a career in engineering and decided to dedicate myself to helping women get fit, both physically and spiritually.

Not only to help others, but to help myself too.

I was feeling powerless to change anything (excuses: single mom, two kids), physically and mentally exhausted just getting the necessities done (work, school, activities,…), impatient with the people I love the most, and frequently feeling like I was missing out on life (“Where’s the “me” time? Or is that just selfish?”).

In short, I wasn’t the kind of person I wanted to be around.

What I wanted to feel was empowered, strong, capable, and present.

So, I took charge of my life (got a coach, left my job, no more excuses), and headed off on a wild and crazy journey (started a coaching business) to help other women get the most out of their bodies and their lives too.

And now here I am.

Ready to take you with me…

And to get you started this fall, I’ve created a free, live webinar called “The 3 Keys to Finding Fit After 40:  Mind, Body, Food

It’s going to take place on Tuesday, September 5th at 9pm EDT.

To reserve your spot for this free, 1-hour event, all you need to do is sign up and tune in.

(And even if you can’t be there live, sign up anyways and I’ll send you the recording afterwards.)

In this hour, you’ll get some ideas about how to get the most out of your greatest wealth, but also your greatest obstacle: your MIND.

This is where I’ll touch on stress (aka constant busy-ness, doing everything yourself, not asking for help, being everyone else’s rock…), habits, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

Then, of course, we’ll take a look at the female BODY

I’ll reveal what I believe you should know about your body, like how hormones and stress are contributing to your changing shape as you age.

And finally, I’ll show you how FOOD has become therapy, and how overeating and eating what feels good, have led to fat gain and foggy brain.  And, of course, what you can do about it.  

Finally, during the webinar, I’ll be announcing my next 12-Week Group Coaching Experience, which will be starting on September 18th.

I’ll only be taking 6 to 10 women on this experience with me, so if you think you’re ready for a change and want to get started with me, you can contact as of today.

Now, don’t forget… put it in your calendar… Tuesday, September 5th at 9pm EDT… you’re here with me.   Good?

See you next week!
