Morning workouts rock!! Here’s my take on it…

Yes, I’m an early riser.

Just me admitting that, might be annoying to you.  Sorry…

But there’s just something I find so uplifting and peaceful about morning.

And to be honest,  I actually find it pretty cool knowing that I’m up while most of the world is still soundly sleeping.

In addition to the cool factor, I also find that early morning is the best time for my brain and body.

When I was in university, cramming for exams, I’d be in bed at 9pm and up at 4am to get in those last couple of hours of studying.  Yes, I was weird that way, but early morning study was always much more more focused for me.

I’ve also gotten some of my best and most creative writing done between the hours of 3 and 6 am.

And most notably, when I work out in the morning, I have more energy and enthusiasm for the rest of my day than when I don’t.

Now, aside from the energy and enthusiasm I just mentioned, getting your workout done first thing in the morning, gives you no need for excuses at the end of the day.

The problem with working out later is the day is that so much happens that can derail your plans…

Traffic, unexpected overtime, appointments, a sick child, or just being “too tired” are all things that can and WILL happen.

On the other hand, in the morning, you’ve got no appointments, no one to disturb you, and generally, no good excuses for backing out.

So this leads me to my number one benefit of early morning workouts:

1. CONSISTENCY.   When there are no excuses to derail you, your workouts get done.  Period.

And here are a few other benefits to love:

2. Working out in the morning revs up your metabolism so you’re burning more calories during your day.

3. Better sleep!  Who doesn’t need that after 40 (and kids)?

4. And if you keep doing this, day after day, week after week… you’ll have cultivated more self-discipline, which will also spill over into other aspects of your life.

5. You’ll be more alert and awake for the rest of your day… you might not even need coffee anymore!  Well… maybe that’s going to far.  But you get my drift, right?

Now, taking this early morning workout thing a little further, I suggest that you do it OUTDOORS.

It’s spring here in Canada!  Vive le printemps!

At this time of year, when the sun is up earlier and the weather is warmer, it’s easier to get motivated to get out there.

And let me tell you, you’ll be rewarded for this effort with some pretty spectacular moments:

The sun stretching its first rays over the horizon; the morning dew on the grass shimmering in the sunlight; the smell of fresh morning air; rabbits and deer (and a few skunks and raccoons too); peace and quiet.

You’ll get to be part of something that most of the world rarely witnesses.

I remember one summer, when I was in OBX  (the outer banks of North Carolina), I decided to go for an early morning run along the beach.

The water of the ocean is generally calm and flat at that hour.  And on this particular morning, about 200 meters off the shore, I noticed a dolphin swimming.

Amazingly, it was going in the same direction as me, and traveling at about the same speed.  I was mesmerized as I kept pace with this gorgeous animal for a good kilometer until he disappeared.

It was magical!

Now, if you’re not already an early morning exerciser, I know it’s not easy at first.  There have been plenty of mornings when I’ve rolled over and pressed snooze too.

But I really want you try it.  Just once.

How about this week?

Of course, I’ll give you some ideas on how to get this done…

So here are a few simple, but effective, tips on making your early morning workouts happen:

1. Know why you’re getting up at that hour

I mean this in a couple of ways.

First, and more easily, know what your workout will be.

What type of exercise?  How many sets and reps?   How far, or where, will you be walking/running/cycling?

Second, I want you to know your bigger WHY.

WHY are you exercising in the first place?

Is it to lose 10 pounds by July?  Is it to train for the Rock’n Roll marathon in September?  Is it to have firmer arms to show off in your favorite sundress?

What is it that will get you up and out of bed?

Write it down.

Post it beside your bed.

Read it when your alarm goes off.

2. Prepare the night before

First, get out the clothes you’ll need for the morning.  Check out the weather forecast if you plan on taking it outdoors.  Also, if it’s going to be dark, make sure you’ve got some reflective gear you can put on.

Next, get out any equipment you’ll need.  Doing yoga?  Set up your yoga mat.  Doing resistance training?  Get out the weights, elastics, ball, mat, and whatever else you need.  Running?  Have your running shoes ready by the door.

Also, make sure that if you’ll be using a workout video, music, or require a timer/watch/step counter, that your electronics are being charged to be ready for morning.

Then, figure out what you’ll eat before your workout (if anything), and make sure it’s easily made or ready to go.   You may need to experiment to find out what foods you can stomach before a workout.  For me, bananas and toast with peanut butter work well.

Set your alarm.  If you’re one of those people who absolutely needs to hit snooze, then set it early enough to get those snoozes in.

And finally, for security reasons, if you plan to run or walk outside, tell someone where you’re going and what time you plan to be home.  And, if you can, take your cell phone with you (if you do that, make sure you charge it overnight!)

3.  Get Up and Go!

If you’re supposed to be out of bed at 5am, make it happen!

I find splashing COOL water on my face really works to wake me up.

Then get dressed.

Eat (if that’s the plan).

Drink water.


You’re moving!  Pat yourself on the back.  The hard part is done!

Even if you can’t get your whole workout done, be good with that.  Things will get better with practice.

Now, when you begin this routine, you may feel tired at first.  That’s normal!

But in little time, you’ll find yourself with more energy during your day and no need to worry about getting (or not getting) your workout in later… it’s done!

Who knows?  You may even find yourself exhibiting some of these additional and encouraging side-effects:

Feeling calmer, less stressed, less tired, less bloated, less “hormonal”, more optimistic, more attractive, looking younger, better libido, more patient, more laid back, happier, and humming (or whistling) a feel-good tune from the sixties.

Keep moving forward (earlier) my friends,


P.S. My 12-week coaching program is starting in one week (that’s June 1st)!  There are still a couple of spaces available and I’d love to fill them…  Summer is the perfect season to get on this going!

For more info, check out the link, or contact me at or 1-514-445-6434.  Operators are standing by.  (Ok, not really… but I’ll answer you asap!)

P.P.S. Summer Classes are coming!  Tomorrow I’ll be sending out my Summer Class schedule… check your inbox!